New Hope on the Creeks
8:30a at our Pine Creek Site
9:20a Coffee Fellowship at both sites
10a at our Sand Creek Site
Not even a king is above the law, and what is done in secret will one day be revealed. When called out for our sin, the only proper response is honest repentance. Our sins can be forgiven, but that does not mean the consequences will be erased.
New Hope is going through the biblical story, from beginning to end, in 2025 reflecting on God's story in its chronological order, beginning with creation. Copies of this narrative, The Story, are available through the church office for $5, if you'd like to read along with each chapter. We'll cover one chapter each Sunday - Genesis through Revelation, ending Labor Day weekend.
Biblical Reference Texts Today:
David and Bathsheba - 2 Samuel 11
Conviction and Repentance - 2 Samuel 12 and Psalm 51
Consequences - 2 Samuel 12 and Psalm 32
Absalom - 2 Samuel 18-19
Solomon - 1 Chronicles 22, 29
The Shepherd - Psalm 23
- To VIEW streamed worship live or anytime:
YouTube Link to New Hope on the Creeks
New Hope Lutheran Church of Sand Creek & Pine Creek, WI
- To LISTEN live:
+ Telephone Ministry 534-444-4300 (This is an Eau Claire assigned number. Long distance rates may apply. Contact the church office if financial help is needed)
+ Telephone Live Stream (Free on our website