New Hope on the Creeks
8:30a at our Pine Creek Site
9:20a Coffee Fellowship
10a at our Sand Creek Site
Three weeks ago we heard Peter’s confession of faith as told in John’s gospel. This week we hear Mark’s version, when Peter says, “You are the Messiah.” In John, the stumbling block is Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh, given for the life of the world. In Mark too the scandal has to do with Jesus’ words about his own coming death, and here Peter himself stumbles over Jesus’ words. But Jesus is anointed (the meaning of messiah) in Mark only on the way to the cross.
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YouTube Link to New Hope on the Creeks
New Hope Lutheran Church of Sand Creek & Pine Creek, WI
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+ Telephone Ministry 534-444-4300 (This is an Eau Claire assigned number. Long distance rates may apply. Contact the church office if financial help is needed)
+ Telephone Live Stream (Free on our website
Readings and Psalm
- Isaiah 50:4-9aThe servant is vindicated by God
- Psalm 116:1-9
I will walk in the presence of the Lord. (Ps. 116:9)
- James 3:1-12Dangers of the unbridled tongue
- Mark 8:27-38Peter’s confession of faith