Sunday, July 28

Pentecost 10

New Hope on the Creeks

8:30a at our Pine Creek Site               

9:20a Coffee Fellowship at both sites

10a at our Sand Creek Site

Today is the first of five Sundays with gospel readings from John 6, the first four of which focus on Jesus as bread of life. Today Jesus feeds thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. What we have, what we bring to Jesus’ table, seems like it is not nearly enough to meet all the needs we see around us. But it is not the adequacy of our supplies or our skills that finally makes the difference: it is the power of Jesus working in the littlest and least to transform this world into the world God desires, a world where all the hungry are satisfied.

To VIEW streamed worship live or anytime:  

YouTube Link to  New Hope on the Creeks 

New Hope Lutheran Church of Sand Creek & Pine Creek, WI

- To LISTEN live:

+ Telephone Ministry 534-444-4300 (This is an Eau Claire assigned number. Long distance rates may apply. Contact the church office if financial help is needed)

+ Telephone Live Stream (Free on our website

Readings and Psalm

2 Kings 4:42-44

Elisha feeding a hundred people
Psalm 145:10-18

You open wide your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. (Ps. 145:16)

Ephesians 3:14-21
Prayer for wisdom, strength, and Christ’s indwelling
John 6:1-21
Christ feeding the five thousand

Confirmation Class 2024

Clarissa Buhr, Mason Smith, Annabella Bartels

Pastor Michael Sparby, Carol Anderson

The Affirmation of Baptism:  Sunday, May 19

8:30a Worship at our Pine Creek Site      Annabella Bartels

10a Worship at our Sand Creek Site         Clarissa Buhr, Mason Smith

Watch for Weather Related Updates


We’ll post on our website, Facebook page, and start prayer chains. When you see a change, please notify others not connected to these. Thanks for your help.

To view streamed worship live or anytime:  

YouTube Link to View Streamed Worship New Hope on the Creeks 

New Hope Lutheran Church of Sand Creek & Pine Creek, Wisconsin

- To listen live:

+ Telephone Ministry 534-444-4300 (This is an Eau Claire assigned number. Long distance rates may apply. Contact the church office if financial help is needed)

+ Live Stream (Free on our website

New Hope Comforters

New Hope Comforters are celebrating Quilt #1000 for 2023, and there's still more year to go! You are welcome to join the Comforters who meet nearly every Monday morning throughout the year at New Hope's Sand Creek site. Quilts are gifted locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally through Lutheran World Relief.

Homeless Youth Christmas Stockings


 Confirmation Homeless Youth Project

Thank you ALL who donated to our Confirmation service project with stocking stuffers and/or Noisy Offerings. Lutheran Social Services (LSS) in Eau Claire works with these youth throughout the year. Your love through the beautiful Christmas Stockings, created again this year by Carolyn Dahl, bring an extra treat during this season.

Sundays at New Hope

Church can be an intimidating place to come the first time — especially if you don’t know what to expect. We hope you'll come! You are welcome to participate fully, or as you wish. Be inspired by the music. Hear the Word. Get in touch with the spiritual. Come to the Table of Mercy. All are welcome at the Lord's Supper! We invite you to experience what the gospel - the good news of Jesus Christ - means at one of our services. You can engage with others and find places for your whole family to connect. Enjoy refreshments! We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the hope, love, and joy that comes from a community of people who strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. You are welcome here!

Serving Through our Pine Creek Site

We celebrate with all who work tirelessly throughout the year to bring substantive hope to many through quilts, school kits, baby care kits, personal care kits, and more. Thanks for all you do!

One Congregation, Two Locations

Mailing Address: 

New Hope Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 85, Sand Creek WI 54765

Sand Creek site/church office Physical Address:  

E9085 County Highway V, Sand Creek, WI 54765

     Once in Sand Creek, cross the Red Cedar River bridge and go one mile west.

Pine Creek site Physical Address: E6698 County Highway V, Ridgeland, WI 54763

      From Sand Creek continue west on V for 7 miles.

      From Ridgeland - on the north end of town turn right (east) off 25 onto V and go 4 miles to the church. GPS is often wrong, so just continue on V until you see the church.  

All are welcome! If you're searching for a spiritual home, we'd love to have you join us!

Church Office: 


Sunday Worship: 

Pine Creek Site: 8:30a

Sand Creek Site: 10:00a   

New Hope’s Telephone Ministry & Live Stream have a different phone number and electronic address.
+ Telephone Ministry 534-444-4300 (This is an Eau Claire assigned number. Long distance rates may apply. Contact the church office if financial help is needed)
+ Live Stream (Free on our website


    Let's Gather Together in Praise, and Leave as One to Serve!

    Authentic Worship

    At New Hope, worship in the name and power of the Holy Trinity is central to everything. As we come we declare that there is a deeper side of life sometimes ignored by our culture. We make time to step away from the hectic pace of life to worship, recognizing God’s greater goodness and our need to come faithfully into the presence of God. Here, we respond with our acts of worship to this amazing grace.

    Service Times


    Pine Creek Site: 8:30a

    Sand Creek Site: 10:00a

    *Holy Communion is usually celebrated at each worship service. All are welcome!

    Note: There are dates when we have only one joint service.

    1. Annual Meeting Sunday in January 

    2. 3rd weekend in July Firemen's Picnic in Sand Creek - worship in Memorial Park in Sand Creek at 10a

    3. Sunday of Labor Day Weekend -

    Worship only at our Sand Creek Site at 10:00 a.m.


    Teaching from the Bible

    We believe that practical, relevant teaching is the catalyst for transformation in an individual's life. Scripture is inspired by God the Father, and as we reflect on God's word through the prism of Jesus Christ, we are transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit into God's likeness. It is a lifelong journey, and ultimately we rest in God's grace.  


    What's Happening at New Hope

    Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...