• How to find us

    Mailing Address: New Hope Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 85, Sand Creek WI 54765

    Sand Creek site/church office Physical Address: E9085 County Highway V, Sand Creek, WI 54765

         Once in Sand Creek, cross the river bridge and go one mile west.

    Pine Creek site Physical Address: E6698 County Highway V, Ridgeland, WI 54763

          From Sand Creek continue west on V for 7 miles.

          From Ridgeland - on the north end of town turn right/east off 25 on V and go 4 miles to the church.

Church Council 2023


President: Mark Gilberts

Vice President: John Loy

Treasurer:  Joe Bilodeau

Secretary: Marie Swanson

Family Education

Jesse Buhr, Desiree BNuck, Kristi Welle, Stephani North

Property Management

Jerry Loftus, Lon Christopherson, Joe Bilodeau, Mark Gilberts

Outreach, Stewardship and Evangelism

Pat Bechard, John Loy, Joyce Gilberts, Linda Bilodeau

Worship and Music

Dawn Kunkel, Cathy Davis, Lou Ann Gilberts, Marie Swanson

A Brief History - 1867 to Today

New Hope's ministry to our communities in the Northwoods of Wisconsin officially began in 1867, though even before that people of faith had begun to gather having brought their faith with them from Norway. The parish has gone through changes, but of the remaining entities, Our Savior's was founded in 1867 with the original building west of Sand Creek where the current Our Savior's Cemetery is located on County Road V. Zion was founded in 1868 and the original building was in the village of Sand Creek, and the Zion Cemetery just north of town. The Pine Creek congregation began in 1912, and still worships in the original building surrounded by the cemetery on V four miles east of Ridgeland. In 1972 the two worshipping communities near Sand Creek left their original sites to come together in the current building. New Hope is one congregation - a multi-site congregation - worshiping in two locations. 

Our Savior's, Sand Creek - 


In 1867 recent immigrants from Norway, having settled on the west side of the Red Cedar River, organized Our Savior's Lutheran Church. About forty families formed "The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Sand Creek." The structure was built several miles west of Sand Creek.  In 1912 families living nearer Ridgeland built a second church building near Pine Creek. The two were served by the same pastor. 

Zion, Sand Creek - 1868 - 1972

In 1868 recent immigrants from Norway, having settled on the east side of the Red Cedar River, organized what was early on known as "Den Norske Evangeliske Lutheriske Zions Menighed in Sand Creek."  After much discussion, the structure was built in the village of Sand Creek. Some Zion families living to the north soon desired a building closer to home and helped form Dovre Lutheran Church. The pastor served both congregations for a time. 

Our Savior's, 

Pine Creek/Ridgeland - 

1912 - 1972

As the early years passed, it became evident that the Our Savior's families living farther west would need a building closer to home for the growing population near Ridgeland. In 1912 construction began on the edifice that still serves the west end of what is now New Hope.